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Louisiana Department of Pharmacy Monitoring Program

Posted over 9 years ago by Brent Thibodeaux

This announcement has 1 attachment:

The Louisiana Prescription Monitoring Program(PMP) is pleased to announce that Prescribers and Pharmacists with access tothe Louisiana PMP can now utilize a "delegate" to assist in retrievingPMP patient reports.

A "delegate" is defined inregulation as a person authorized by a prescriber or dispenser who is also anauthorized user (as described in ยง2917 of this Chapter) to access and retrieveprogram data for the purpose of assisting the prescriber or dispenser, and forwhose actions the authorizing prescriber or dispenser rains accountability.

A delegate must have their own PMP account whichis linked to their supervisor's account. Under no circumstances should adelegate use their supervisor's account or another delegate's account toretrieve PMP patient reports.

The attached PDF is a step-by-step guide for theregistration, enabling, and disabling of a delegate.

For all technical assistance, please contact Optimum Technology at 1-866-683-2476 or at

Technical assistance is available from 7 AM to 7PM Central Standard Time.


Joe Fontenot, R.Ph.
Assistant Executive Director
Louisiana Board of Pharmacy
3388 Brentwood Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1700
Office 225.922.0094
Fax 225.923.5670