Student Survey: The Relationships Between Nurse Team Members, Nurse Leaders, Perception of Stress, and Intent to Stay with Their Employer and Position
Posted over 1 year ago in Membership Announcement
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My name is Paula Kensler, I am a registered nurse and a graduate student in the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing Program at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC) – New Orleans, School of Nursing. I am conducting an online research survey as part of the requirements for my doctoral degree.
The title of my study is The Relationships Between Nurse Team Members, Nurse Leaders, Perception of Stress, and Intent to Stay with Their Employer and Position. This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at LSUHSC. Informed consent is established at the beginning of the survey informing you that the survey is voluntary, anonymous, and confidential. You can stop completing the survey at any time with no consequences.
The purpose of this study is to explore the demographics, education, and experience of nurses, their authentic leadership characteristics, relationships with their nurse leader, how nurses perceive their stress, and nurses’ intent to stay with their current employer and position, further their education, continue nursing practice, and retire. The findings of this study will further support and guide leadership development and mentorship of nurses.
This study is an on-line research survey using SurveyMonkey®, taking less than 20 minutes to complete. See link below. I am inviting nurses (LPNs, RNs, APRNs) who are employed full or part time, and agency and travel nurses in a full or part time assignment in a healthcare delivery setting, in the United States to complete this survey.
Thank you for your consideration to participate in this study! Click on link or scan QR code below to begin.