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URGENT REQUEST from AANP regarding H.R. 6087

Posted almost 3 years ago in Advocacy

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to debate and vote on H.R. 6087, the Improving Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Federal Workers Act. This bill would authorize NPs (and PAs) to diagnose, certify the injury and extent of the disability, and oversee the patient’s treatment and care for federal employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their federal employment.

Today, we have an urgent request: please use the AANP Advocacy Center to send a letter to their Representative asking them to VOTE YES on this bill. The AANP Advocacy Center has a pre-written letter that you can use to quickly email their Member of Congress. It is extremely important that we all engage with our Representatives using the AANP Advocacy Center (link above).

Here are three documents to help in your outreach:
  1. The AANP issue brief which provides additional information on the bill.
  2. The AANP letter of support for the bill.
  3. A letter of support from the National Rural Health Association.
Please email if you have any questions.