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LSBN Requirements for Volunteering

Posted over 6 years ago by Rebecca Thibodaux

If you are volunteering at a local shelter, you must add a site to your collaborative agreement by contacting the Advanced Practice Department of LSBN.  

This is the link to the required form:

You may submit the written notification to add an additional practice site(s) to LSBN by one (1) of any the following three (3) manners:

Ø Email to the APRN Department at:

Ø U.S. postal mail to LSBN office. Please indicate ATTN: APRN Department on the envelope; or 

Ø Fax to (225) 755-7581. Please include a cover sheet indicating ATTN: APRN Department.

You may also wish to check with your collaborator to make sure there are no objections.