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Support PAC--2016 Conference T-Shirts Now Available

Posted over 7 years ago by Rebecca Thibodaux

Even though you might not be attending conference this year, you can still support your LANP PAC by purchasing a 2016 conference T-Shirt!  The shirts are $20 each and can be shipped directly to your house.

It is important to remember that the LANP-PAC is funded solely by contributions made by LANP members. As we continue to make progress on removal of barriers to practice for NPs, we must guarantee that the resources necessary are available to support candidates who value NPs and understand the quality of health care that they provide to their patients.

Here is the link to purchase a shirt:

Also, browse the PAC store when your purchase your conference shirt and check back soon for new items that are coming!

Thank you,
Your LANP-PAC Committee