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Health Policy Update: Returning to the Dark Ages?!

Posted almost 8 years ago by Rebecca Thibodaux

There has been discussion (by the opposition at the Capitol) that should SB 187 fail, the opposition intends to pursue efforts, either by rule or legislation, to revert back to a physician supervisory role including chart reviews and site visits.  If physicians have the opportunity to do this, it would be a significant setback for nurse practitioners.

It is critical that you:

1.  Call your legislator's office today and ask for their support! Find your legislators contact information here.

2.  Get Patients Involved! Click Here

3.  Last but not least, you can also send a votervoice message.  Click here to take action!

4.  Communicate with us. Let us know if you have been able to connect with your Representative so we can communicate this with our lobbyists. Email us at

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Thank you for your patience and continued support!